
23. Februar 2025

Is T-Mobile Getting The Samsung Galaxy Note?

24.04.2012 01:05, TechCrunch
Even though I think its way too big for the average human, Samsungs Galaxy Note is doing quite well since its debut in January at CES. In fact, Samsung has sold 5 million units of the Galaxy Note thus far, which comes out to about 1 million Notes sold per month. But could it be selling better?


The phablet is only available at AT&T with a rather steep $299 price tag, but that may Quelle: DAF… [weiterlesen]

Apple iPad review: The only tablet that matters, now better than ever

It almost feels like weve been here before. Apple launched a new product with almost the exact same exterior look and feel as the previous model, and almost all of the upgrades are buried deep within the device. Why cant Apple make a brand new game-changing form factor every year?! Steve Jobs was the best (even though the people who say this now used to talk shit about him all the time on forums and in blog comments when he was Quelle: BGR… [weiterlesen]

Google Chromebooks: Not Dead Yet! (GOOG, SNE)

27.03.2012 01:19, businessinsider

Even though Googles Chrome OS and Chromebooks seem like a product in search of a problem, the project isnt dead yet.
FCC documents uncovered by Laptop Reviews this weekend show that Sony is joining Samsung and Asus on the very short list of Chromebook makers. Google did not confirm the device is real or launching soon.
Google has never released sales stats on Chrome OS devices, Quelle: DAF… [weiterlesen]