
23. Februar 2025

DGAP-Adhoc: KHD Humboldt Wedag International AG: Project postponements force KHD to revise revenue guidance 2012 | Dow Jones News auf

25.10.2012 –

DJ DGAP-Adhoc: KHD Humboldt Wedag International AG: Project postponements force KHD to revise revenue guidance 2012

KHD Humboldt Wedag International AG / Key word(s): Miscellaneous

25.10.2012 18:04

Dissemination of an Ad hoc announcement according to § 15 WpHG, transmitted
by DGAP – a company of EquityStory AG.
The issuer is solely responsible for the content of this announcement. Quelle: 4investors… [weiterlesen]

Microsoft Previews Its Most Important Piece Of Software In Decades

29.02.2012 10:23, businessinsider

SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — Microsoft is scrambling to preserve whats left of its kingdom.
Since the company released its Windows operating system in 1985, most of the sequels have been variations on the same theme. Not that it mattered much. Regardless of the softwares quality, Microsoft managed to remain at the center of the personal computing universe.
The stakes are much Quelle: DAF… [weiterlesen]

BII Express: Of Course Google Is Getting In Trouble With The Feds….

12.01.2012 14:56, businessinsider

Google Is Getting In Trouble With The Feds Over Its Social Search
A privacy group has said it is considering filing a complaint with the FTC over Googles new social search. Google recently rolled out a new search interface called Search Plus Your World which features social results from users network prominently. The problem? These social results are largely from Googles own Quelle: DAF… [weiterlesen]


09.01.12 | 18:58 Uhr

Apps are sure to be the rage at the Consumer Electronics Show (CES), as manufacturers look to cash in on the more than 41 billion phone and tablet downloads in 2012. The average selling price of paid downloads is declining across every major platform, as competition heats up and devices move into emerging markets. To offset this loss, storefronts, carriers, and developers look to virtual goods Quelle: ad-hoc… [weiterlesen]

Why Google Is The Grinch Who Stole Your Business

27.12.2011 23:31, businessinsider

Its that time of year when we all reflect on the past, search our souls and determine what we want for the next year. Ive been reflecting on what it means to work with a company that controls so much of the market, provides such a broad set of capabilities and delivers such a large percentage of monthly revenues to publishers. Of course, Im thinking of Google and what their dominance Quelle: DAF… [weiterlesen]

The iPhone App Store Generates 4X The Revenue The Android App Store (AAPL, GOOG)

22.12.2011 16:45, businessinsider

The top 200 grossing apps in iPhones app store generated four times as much revenue as the top 200 grossing apps in the Android app market, says mobile analytics company Distimo.
It also says the top apps in the iPad app store are generating double the revenue of the Android app market.
Distimo doesnt break out specific numbers, and didnt respond to a request for information on Quelle: DAF… [weiterlesen]

Distimo’s Year-End Report Shows Why Developers Love iOS: iPhone 4x Android Revenue, iPad 2x

20.12.2011 12:00, TechCrunch
There are now over a million mobile applications available across the top seven major app stores, according to mobile analytics firm Distimo in its year-end report for 2011. And, not surprisingly, the iTunes App Store is still the one to beat, especially if youre a developer looking to make a profit.

The iPhone App Store generates about four times the revenue that is generated by the Quelle: DAF… [weiterlesen]

Steve Jobs Was Right: Google IS Turning Into Microsoft (GOOG, MSFT)

30.11.2011 02:14, businessinsider

Last spring as Larry Page was preparing to retake the helm at Google, he asked Steve Jobs for advice.
Jobs told him to focus on fewer things and do them really well.
Jobs later recounted the conversation to his biographer Walter Isaacson.
Figure out what Google wants to be when it grows up. Its now all over the map. What are the five products you want to focus on? Get rid of the rest Quelle: DAF… [weiterlesen]