
23. Februar 2025

DGAP-Adhoc: Agreement for Daratumumab Receives Antitrust Clearance | Dow Jones News auf

21.09.2012 –

DJ DGAP-Adhoc: Agreement for Daratumumab Receives Antitrust Clearance

Genmab A/S

21.09.2012 18:01

Dissemination of a Adhoc News, transmitted by DGAP – a company of
EquityStory AG.
The issuer is solely responsible for the content of this announcement.


Company Announcement

— Daratumumab Quelle: 4investors… [weiterlesen]

DGAP-Adhoc: Orascom Development sells all remaining apartments in The Chedi Andermatt | Dow Jones News auf

16.09.2012 –

DJ DGAP-Adhoc: Orascom Development sells all remaining apartments in The Chedi Andermatt

Orascom Development Holding AG / Key word(s): Disposal/Real Estate

16.09.2012 17:59

Release of an ad hoc announcement pursuant to Art. 53 KR

Press Release

Orascom Development sells all remaining apartments Quelle: 4investors… [weiterlesen]

DGAP-Adhoc: MOUNTAIN SUPER ANGEL AG publishes results for the first half 2012 according to IFRS

31.08.2012 –

DJ DGAP-Adhoc: MOUNTAIN SUPER ANGEL AG publishes results for the first half 2012 according to IFRS

Mountain Super Angel AG / Key word(s): Half Year Results/Delisting

31.08.2012 21:00

Release of an ad hoc announcement pursuant to Art. 18 KR

- Earnings before tax (EBT) amount to EUR -0.4m (First Half 2010: Quelle: 4investors… [weiterlesen]

Ergebnis-App für London 2012 | Android Blog zu Apps, Games & Handys

Die Olympischen Sommerspiele in London sind in vollem Gange. Wer sich dafür interessiert, könnte derzeit fast den ganzen Tag vor dem Fernseher verbringen. Für die meisten von uns ist das natürlich nicht möglich. Um dennoch immer auf dem Laufenden zu sein, gibt’s natürlich die passende App.
Drei offizielle Olympia Apps gibt es im Google Play Store. Da wäre zum einen die übersichtliche und umfassende App London Quelle: Blod Android… [weiterlesen]

Motorola Xoom Update auf Jelly Bean bestätigt

Erinnert ihr euch noch an die Beta Testphase die über die Motorola Foren ausgerufen wurde? Wie es aussieht wurde da schon das neue Android 4.1 Jelly Bean getestet. Die neuste und, wie ich finde, auch beste Version von Android sollte also bald seinen Weg auf die Xoom Tablets finden.Eine Liste der Verbesserungen gibt es natürlich auch gleich in Form von einem Changelog für das Android 4.1.1 Update. Dieses haben die Leute Quelle: Handy-News AT… [weiterlesen]


15.03.12 | 09:24 Uhr | 18 mal gelesen

- Record Full Year Group Adjusted EBITDA of $5.7 billion, up 158% on 2010 and Quelle: ad-hoc… [weiterlesen]

Clik: Google’s Broken App Search Means We’re Invisible On Android

25.02.2012 23:12, TechCrunch
A little more than a week ago, the Clik smartphone app launched, resulting plenty of press coverage and more than 100,000 downloads on iOS (at least according to Clik). But there was one area where the launch fizzled — in the Android Market, where the Clik app is apparently invisible to searches.

Over the weekend, as we get all this hype, nobody could find our app, says CEO Ted Livingston.

Even Quelle: DAF… [weiterlesen]

BII Express: Of Course Google Is Getting In Trouble With The Feds….

12.01.2012 14:56, businessinsider

Google Is Getting In Trouble With The Feds Over Its Social Search
A privacy group has said it is considering filing a complaint with the FTC over Googles new social search. Google recently rolled out a new search interface called Search Plus Your World which features social results from users network prominently. The problem? These social results are largely from Googles own Quelle: DAF… [weiterlesen]


09.01.12 | 23:01 Uhr

NewMarket Corporation (NYSE: NEU) announced today it will release fourth quarter 2011 and year-end earnings at the close of business on Wednesday, February 1, 2012. The earnings announcement will also be available on the company?s website at beginning Thursday, February 2, 2012. A conference call and Internet webcast is scheduled for 10:00 a.m. EST on Thursday, February Quelle: ad-hoc… [weiterlesen]

HTC Is The Real Winner In Apple Patent Suit

20.12.2011 23:49, Home Page
By Emerging Money:The war between Apple (AAPL) and the iPhone and iPad on one hand and my friends in the emerging markets technology sector on the other sometimes delivers mutually beneficial results. Taiwanese manufacturer HTC just might make the best handsets in the world ࢠ€ ” inside the Android world or out of it, and including the iPhone ࢠ€ ” and so its decision Quelle: DAF… [weiterlesen]