In der Kontakte-App von Android 4.2 hat sich der Fehlerteufel eingeschlichen: Will man in der People-App beispielweise ein Geburtsdatum auswählen, welches im Dezember liegt, sucht man dort vergebens nach diesem Monat. In der App folgt auf den November als nächster Monat der Januar, wie das Portal TechCrunch berichtet. Eine Behebung des Dezember-Bugs in Form einer Aktualisierung auf Version 4.2.1 wird nicht Quelle: Inside Handy… [weiterlesen]
Android 4.2: Kontakte-App ohne Monat Dezember
Nokia – Disconnecting People: Schlechter Absatz bringt hohe Verluste im dritten Quartal | anDROID NEWS & TV
Ein weiteres Quartal ist schon wieder vorbei und das Jahresende rückt immer näher. Das hofft wohl auch Nokia, um bald im Weihnachtsgeschäft nochmal durchzustarten. Die neuen Lumia-Smartphones stehen schon in den Startlöchern in der Hoffnung die Bilanz etwas aufzubessern. Aber ist das überhaupt noch möglich?
Wir berichteten schon über die brenzlige Lage im Hause Nokia. Laut einer Marktstudie hat die Attraktivität Quelle: Android TV… [weiterlesen]
Neue Infos zu Jelly Bean Updates für Samsung und Note 10.1 vorbestellbar anDROID NEWS & TV
Seit letztem Jahr könnte es für Samsung nicht besser laufen, was die Beliebtheit der Marke und der eigenen Produkte anbelangt. Mit dem Galaxy S III hat man derzeit das wohl beste Android-Smartphone auf dem Markt (ok, ist Geschmacksfrage), dass Galaxy Note ist ebenfalls ein Millionenseller sowie quasi Konkurrenzlos und das Galaxy S II verkauft sich nach wie vor wie geschnitten Brot.
Was läge da also näher, als ein Quelle: Android TV… [weiterlesen]
Wealthy smartphone users more likely to own an iPhone, study finds
Wealthy smartphone users are more likely to own an Apple iPhone and less likely to play games or post on Twitter than average users. According to research from The Luxury Institute, 62% of U.S. consumers earning at least $150,000 per year own a smartphone. 45% of people falling to that category own an iPhone, 35% use an Android-powered device and 25% have a BlackBerry. More than 80% of wealthy smartphone owners download Quelle: BGR… [weiterlesen]
Apple iPad review: The only tablet that matters, now better than ever
It almost feels like weve been here before. Apple launched a new product with almost the exact same exterior look and feel as the previous model, and almost all of the upgrades are buried deep within the device. Why cant Apple make a brand new game-changing form factor every year?! Steve Jobs was the best (even though the people who say this now used to talk shit about him all the time on forums and in blog comments when he was Quelle: BGR… [weiterlesen]
SMARTPHONE MARKET FORECAST: Sales Will Exceed 1.5 Billion Units A Year By 2016
29.02.2012 17:21, businessinsider
Smartphones are now the worlds dominant computing device.
In 2011, smartphone sales exceeded PC sales for the first time—and we believe there will be nearly twice as many smartphones as PCs sold next year.
Apple, for example, sold 37 million iPhones in the fourth quarter of last year alone. All told, it sold more iOS devices last year (which includes iPads) than the total Quelle: DAF… [weiterlesen]
14.02.12 | 14:05 Uhr
Just in time for Valentine?s Day, a new, free mobile app called ?RAVN Events? debuts to help people find local events and cool things to do in over 50 cities around the world. With RAVN Events, urbanites can browse hand-picked activities from a database of over 20,000 events, tours and classes. By offering real-time event discovery and social integration through Facebook and Twitter, RAVN Quelle: ad-hoc… [weiterlesen]
05.01.12 | 12:00 Uhr
Gartner predicts that by 2013 the primary way people will access the internet is via their mobile browsers. In other words, more than half the time someone accesses the internet, they?ll be doing it from a mobile phone. That has huge implications for how businesses connect with prospects and customers. Quelle: ad-hoc… [weiterlesen]
THE MICROSOFT INVESTOR: Surprise! Microsoft Will Become A Leader In Cloud Services In 2012 (MSFT)
27.12.2011 18:51, businessinsider
The Microsoft Investor is a daily report from SAI. Sign up here to receive it by email.
MSFT Mixed As Market Rises Stocks are shaking off early losses as consumer confidence shatters expectations. Shares of MSFT are wavering versus a positive tech tape. Upcoming catalysts include Windows 8 next year; entrance into the tablet market; Windows Phone 7 / Mango rollout and adoption Quelle: DAF… [weiterlesen]
Check Out This Unboxing Video Of The Verizon Galaxy Nexus (GOOG, VZ)
12.12.2011 16:03, businessinsider
A handful of people have already gotten their hands on the Verizon Galaxy Nexus, even before its (unknown) official launch date.
By now we know for sure that retailers like Best Buy and Verizon stores already have the phone in stock. Some are selling it early.
One lucky new Galaxy Nexus owner sent in this unboxing video of the Verizon Galaxy Nexus to Android Central. Its not as Quelle: DAF… [weiterlesen]