15.06.2012 16:08, businessinsider
Microsoft plans to manufacture its own tablet, Sharon Waxman & Alexander C. Kaufman at The Wrap report.
The Wrap is a Hollywood-focused industry site, so its a little weird to see it break this news. But, Ina Fried, who has covered Microsoft for years, confirms the report at All Things D.
Microsoft has a big event in LA on Monday, which is where it is expected to reveal its tablet.
This Quelle: DAF… [weiterlesen]
GAME CHANGER: Microsoft Is Going To Make Its Own Tablet! (MSFT)
15. Juni 2012 von
10. Januar 2012 von
10.01.12 | 19:15 Uhr
Galaxy Technologies announced today the company has been awarded a multi-year, multi-million dollar contract from Bell Helicopter Textron to design and manufacture tooling to support Bell?s re-design efforts for the H-1 Cuff and Yoke program in Ft. Worth, Texas. Bell Helicopter was awarded the Naval Air Systems Command contract in 2011. ?The Galaxy team did a great job in competitively Quelle: ad-hoc… [weiterlesen]