06.12.2011 20:40, Reuter-News – Sectors >>Telecommunications
Dec 6 (Reuters) – U.S. wireless service provider Verizon
Wireless will not include Google Incs payments app
Google Wallet on its latest smartphone Galaxy Nexus this month. mehr » Quelle: DAF… [weiterlesen]
RPT-UPDATE 1- Verizon blocks Google Wallet on Galaxy Nexus
Verizon blocks Google Wallet on Galaxy Nexus
06.12.2011 16:57, Reuter-News – News >>Technology
Dec 6 (Reuters) – Wireless service provider Verizon Wireless will not include Google Incs payments app Google Wallet on its latest smartphone Galaxy Nexus this month. mehr » Quelle: DAF… [weiterlesen]
Verizon blocks Google Wallet on Galaxy Nexus-paper
06.12.2011 10:50, Reuter-News – Sectors >>Telecommunications
Dec 6 (Reuters) – U.S. wireless service provider
Verizon Wireless will not include Google Incs
payments app Google Wallet on its latest smartphone Galaxy Nexus
this month, the Wall Street Journal said. mehr » Quelle: DAF… [weiterlesen]
UPDATE 3-U.S. judge rejects Apple bid to halt Galaxy sales
03.12.2011 08:00, Reuter-News – News >>Media
Dec 2 (Reuters) – Apple failed to convince a U.S.
judge to block Samsung Electronics from selling
Galaxy smartphones and tablets in the U.S. market, depriving the
iPhone and iPad maker of crucial leverage in a global patent
battle between the two companies. mehr » Quelle: DAF… [weiterlesen]