
23. Februar 2025

Google Play Store Gets Fleshed Out With Galaxy Nexus Accessories

31.05.2012 06:12, TechCrunch
When Google launched the new Devices section of their Google Play Store, it only seemed like a matter of time before the company would eventually expand beyond selling just the unlocked Galaxy Nexus. After all, its called the Devices section for a reason.

While rumors of forthcoming Nexus tablets dance in our heads, Google has recently started carrying some new gear in the Play Store, Quelle: DAF… [weiterlesen]

Google Play? What The Hell Was Wrong With Android Market?

07.03.2012 00:24, TechCrunch
Google often confuses me. The company, with its thousands of genius employees, often makes the most brain-dead decisions. Just earlier today Google rolled out their latest twist on the Android Market — but its not called Android Market anymore. Instead of simply redesigning the e-store, Google also rebranded the whole thing to Google Play.

The reasoning is sound: the company Quelle: DAF… [weiterlesen]


14.02.12 | 14:05 Uhr

Just in time for Valentine?s Day, a new, free mobile app called ?RAVN Events? debuts to help people find local events and cool things to do in over 50 cities around the world. With RAVN Events, urbanites can browse hand-picked activities from a database of over 20,000 events, tours and classes. By offering real-time event discovery and social integration through Facebook and Twitter, RAVN Quelle: ad-hoc… [weiterlesen]

Former Facebook Employee Wants To Create A Network As Big As Google AdSense, But For Apps

19.01.2012 20:41, businessinsider

Find out more out the future of disruptive technology and companies like Facebook, Google, Zynga, Disney, NBC and more at IGNITION West!If you want an app for your phone you can just go to the Apple App Store or Android Market. But Ryan Merket thinks theres a better way for developers to get apps in front of your eyeballs.
Today, Merket launched Appstores, which helps developers Quelle: DAF… [weiterlesen]

How Microsoft Can Kill The BlackBerry

17.01.2012 20:09, Home Page
By New Century: Microsofts (MSFT) Windows phone operating system (and related hardware) stole the show at this years CES. Pundits have called the operating system innovative, excellent, and truly different (in a good way) than the iPhones (AAPL) iOS or Android (GOOG). Manufactures from Nokia to HTC showed off new phones featuring high-performance hardware, including Quelle: DAF… [weiterlesen]

Microsoft To ARM Win8 Tablet Makers: No Dual Boot For You

16.01.2012 20:01, TechCrunch
This may seem a bit of inside baseball, but its a fairly interesting fact for folks looking forward to thin-and-light Win8 devices running ARM chips rather than Intel. According Computer World, devices running ARM versions of Win8 will not be able to run other OSes, like Android, thanks to something called Secure Boot. mehr » Quelle: DAF… [weiterlesen]

Windows 8 Has A New Feature That Will Let Microsoft Blast Apps From Your PC (MSFT)

08.12.2011 23:29, businessinsider

Microsoft is stealing yet another idea from Apple and Google for its Windows Store: it can wipe apps off your device in response to legal or security problems.
The iOS App Store and the Android Market both have so-called kill switches.
But Windows 8 is different: it runs on PCs, which many users will have as their primary (or only) computing device, and it will probably ship hundreds Quelle: DAF… [weiterlesen]