
15. März 2025

DGAP-Adhoc: SMA Solar Technology AG: SMA Managing Board Expects Severe Decline in Sales in 2013: Forecast is Influenced by t | Dow Jones News auf

18.10.2012 –

DJ DGAP-Adhoc: SMA Solar Technology AG: SMA Managing Board Expects Severe Decline in Sales in 2013: Forecast is Influenced by the Massive Subsidy Cuts in the European Market

SMA Solar Technology AG / Key word(s): Forecast

18.10.2012 18:15

Dissemination of an Ad hoc announcement according to § 15 WpHG, transmitted
by DGAP – a company of EquityStory AG.
The issuer is solely responsible for Quelle: 4investors… [weiterlesen]

Motorola Xoom Update auf Jelly Bean bestätigt

Erinnert ihr euch noch an die Beta Testphase die über die Motorola Foren ausgerufen wurde? Wie es aussieht wurde da schon das neue Android 4.1 Jelly Bean getestet. Die neuste und, wie ich finde, auch beste Version von Android sollte also bald seinen Weg auf die Xoom Tablets finden.Eine Liste der Verbesserungen gibt es natürlich auch gleich in Form von einem Changelog für das Android 4.1.1 Update. Dieses haben die Leute Quelle: Handy-News AT… [weiterlesen]

Virales Marketing: GM bewirbt Volt als Schwulenauto

Mit Werbung in einem Schwulenmagazin wollte General Motors die Umsätze seines Volt ankurbeln. Aus der Anzeige für 750 Dollar wurde ein riesiger Erfolg – Dank dem Internet.

von Matthias Ruch  New York

Wenn ein Auto erst einmal als Frauenauto gilt, hat der Hersteller ein Problem. Denn die meisten Frauen wollen gar kein reines Frauenauto – und die Männer schon gar nicht. Was Quelle: Financial Times Deutschland… [weiterlesen]

Apple faces delay in seeking U.S. ban of Samsung tablets

05.06.2012 05:08, Reuter-News – News >>Technology
SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) – Apple Inc is facing delays in renewing its request that a U.S. judge ban Samsung Electronics Galaxy 10.1 tablets, a key battleground in the worldwide patent wars between the technology giants. mehr » Quelle: DAF… [weiterlesen]

Purported HTC EVO One press image leaks

A purported press image of Sprints upcoming HTC EVO One has leaked prior to the handsets rumored announcement later this week. The image, which was obtained by Pocketnow, pictures the device between the HTC One X for AT&T and the T-Mobile-bound HTC One S. Sprints One-series smartphone is rumored to feature a 4.7-inch 720p AMOLED display and a dual-core Snapdragon S4 processor clocked at 1.5GHz. The handset will also Quelle: BGR… [weiterlesen]


19.02.12 | 14:08 Uhr | 7 mal gelesen

CompanionLink ®  Software syncs contacts, calendar, tasks and memos between popular CRM databases and the new Samsung ® Galaxy? Note. CompanionLink offers both direct and over-the-air sync with Galaxy Note for Microsoft ® Outlook ®, Sage ACT!, Palm ®  Desktop, IBM ®  Lotus Notes, Novell ®  GroupWise, and Highrise ® and other applications. Quelle: ad-hoc… [weiterlesen]

Apple Seeks Ban on Samsung Smartphones in Germany

17.01.2012 17:01,
No surprise here: The new year has brought with it an escalation of hostilities between Apple and Samsung. Apple has filed suit against Samsung once again in Germany, looking to ban the sales of a number of smartphones and tablets. Filed in Dusseldorf Regional Court and based on a number of design patents, the suit targets Samsungs Galaxy S II and its Galaxy S Plus, along with eight Quelle: DAF… [weiterlesen]

HTC Is The Real Winner In Apple Patent Suit

20.12.2011 23:49, Home Page
By Emerging Money:The war between Apple (AAPL) and the iPhone and iPad on one hand and my friends in the emerging markets technology sector on the other sometimes delivers mutually beneficial results. Taiwanese manufacturer HTC just might make the best handsets in the world ࢠ€ ” inside the Android world or out of it, and including the iPhone ࢠ€ ” and so its decision Quelle: DAF… [weiterlesen]

Google Android Reminds Us What Open Source Is

09.12.2011 19:22, Home Page
By Dana Blankenhorn: A lot of Apple (AAPL) fans are struck by the lack of profit for Google (GOOG) in its Android software. Both platforms remain hot. Smart phones (really hand-held Internet clients) are a two-horse race now. Just as the server market is divided between the proprietary Microsoft Windows and the open source Linux OS, so this market is divided between Quelle: DAF… [weiterlesen]

U.S. judge rejects Apple bid to halt Galaxy sales

03.12.2011 12:07, Reuters: Top News
(Reuters) – Apple failed to convince a U.S. judge to block Samsung Electronics from selling Galaxy smartphones and tablets in the U.S. market, depriving the iPhone and iPad maker of crucial leverage in a global patent battle between the two companies. mehr » Quelle: DAF… [weiterlesen]